Retail fit-out permits in NYC and expediters

Retail chain build-out permits in NYC can be a challenge—even though these businesses are already used to operating on a regional, national, or even international scale. But permit expediters can help.

Overall trends in managing construction and build-out delays

In Deloitte’s 2020 Construction and Engineering Outlook, the consulting firm expects to see an increase in technology-driven project management. They also point to a more “forward-thinking” approach to managing projects, and, therefore, to managing a company’s bottom line. Proactive partnerships, such as hiring permit expediters, can significantly reduce delays and violations—and the time and costs associated with them.

Why such a focus on minimizing delays? It’s worth noting that the ASCE says the cost of the average construction or fit-out can run up to 30% of a project’s budget. For a $100-million dollar project, that’s an extra unforeseen $30 million dollars that could’ve been minimized or eliminated.

Challenges with retail chain permits in NYC

In 2019, the number of retail chains throughout NYC declined overall for the second year in a row, with the Center for an Urban Future reporting a 3.7% reduction throughout the City. But let’s put that in perspective. According to Statista, Manhattan had more than 55 million square feet of retail space in 2019—and Brooklyn and Queens had even more. Even though COVID will upset 2020’s numbers, there is still room for retail chains to succeed in NYC despite their specific building and permitting challenges.

Permitting, NYC’s building codes, and the local disadvantage

Permitting isn’t the same anywhere. While you’d think retail chains have a distinct advantage in understanding permitting of a given location, the opposite is usually true. For all of their strengths, retail chains can have a disadvantage trying to file for permits in new locations. Even though they operate successfully on a regional, national, and even international level in some cases, local laws, permit applications, and filing instructions are distinct and rarely the same in any two places. NYC’s building codes and permitting processes are some of the strictest in the nation, especially with the expansive goals laid out in the Climate Mobilization Act.

Strategic partnership

This level of scrutiny in codes makes it difficult to navigate retail construction permits in NYC. Unintended mistakes or oversights happen and are costly. As a result, permit expediters become a natural strategic partnership for chains entering a new city. With our vast yet detailed understanding of local laws, we are able to guide chains through the process seamlessly and account for every application needed. Over the long haul, this avoids unnecessary delays and costs.

Land use and zoning challenges and how permit expediters can help

The average age for commercial buildings in NYC is almost 70 years old. Many times, this leaves retail chains interested in NYC real estate eyeing infrastructure that varies dramatically from blueprints in less urban areas.

But there are distinct challenges to retail chains taking over in storied architecture. For one, reinventing and building out a functional design can be a challenge. The amount of work needed is substantial. And that means the type and number of permits can easily increase beyond what is readily considered. Retail chains can also run into land use issues, especially in neighborhoods that are especially unique or historic.

Retail chain permits are simplified with help from permit expediters

Many companies decide to file for retail build-out permits in NYC on their own and navigate new local laws without the help of permitting experts. But this can lead to unnecessary hassles and delays. On the other hand, when we’re involved in a project, we can help you get through the process efficiently and effectively. At Green Light Expediting, our extensive knowledge of NYC building codes and local laws remove the question marks from the permitting process. We learn the ins and outs of your project, check plans, put together supporting documentation, and file your application, so it’s designed for approval.


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